Privacy Policy pay attention to protect the private information of every customers and users . We protect your personal information in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements and industry-developed security standards. Through this Privacy Policy we would like to let you clear understand that how we handle your private information left on our website ( the way we provide you with access, corrections, deletions and protections during using our products.
The information (Address, Email, Phone, Name and so on)we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:
1,For product shipping.(We send the product you ordered to the shipping address you left )
2,For After sales customer service.(We use your left information for more effectively respond to your customer service requests)
3,For Newsletter purpose (If you have subscribed to get newsletter from us)
4,To send orders status.
(The email address provide you for order processing.When in line with the preferences you have shared with us, provide you with information or advertising relating to our products or services.)
We ( will not sale or exchange your personal information to any other third party.
For more information regarding our privacy practices, if you have questions or would like to make a complaint, please contact us via
Phone: +8613538916934
Address: C229 Tangfeng building, tianhe disctrict, Guangzhou, China